Coalition of provider organizations supports introduction of bill to extend payments to providers who participate in alternative payment models
“The introduction of the bipartisanPreserving Patient Access toValue-Based Care Act, just introduced by Sens. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), is a significant step toward ensuring that millions of Americans can continue to access high-quality, affordable healthcare for years to come.By extending Medicare’s 5% incentive payment for physicians and other clinicians who participate in value-based care models, the legislation strengthens the movement toward improved healthcare.“Transitioning to value-based care, rather than rewarding higher volumes of care, is a landmark shift in the U.S. health system. It has already saved billions of dollars and improved outcomes for countless patients, but such a fundamental change takes sustained investment and time. “Extending Medicare’s 5% payment for two years is essential to realizing the promise of value-based care. Approximately 300,000 physicians and other clinicians rely on the payment to provide patients with coordinated, quality care. If Congress acts soon, this bill will prevent those payments from expiring at the end of the year.“ America has made tremendous strides toward better-quality, lower-cost healthcare because of value-based models. The country cannot afford to turn back. Congress must pass this legislation without delay or a decade of progress is at risk.”
—Jerry Penso, M.D., M.B.A., member—Alliance for Value-Based Patient Care
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