Alternative Payment Models Give Medicare Patients the Tools to Take Back Their Health

Value-based care models enable healthcare organizations like Novant Health in North Carolina to engage patients as full participants in their care, while providing coordinated care to meet their needs.

For healthcare providers nationwide, this level of individualized care is only possible through Medicare’s Alternative Payment Model (APM) program.

Brian's story:

Living with chronic diabetes, Brian struggled to manage his blood sugar levels. For over five years, Brian’s levels were dangerously high, and he needed help monitoring and managing his blood sugar, but he wasn’t sure where to start.

Knowing Brian felt overwhelmed, his primary care provider put him in contact with a Novant Health embedded care manager. The care manager met with Brian where he felt most comfortable, his home, and provided one-on-one care to help him manage his blood sugar.

Over the course of their house visits, the care manager walked Brian through everything he needed to know to better manage his diabetes. She taught Brian how to use an insulin pen and a glucometer and walked him through strategies to better manage his blood sugar.

Thanks to his care manager and Novant Health, Brian was able to lower his blood sugar and feel more confident in managing his health.

Because value-based care focuses on outcomes, organizations like Novant Health can provide patients with the coordinated care they need to manage their chronic conditions. Without continued support for value-based models, patients like Brian may not get the support they need.

This patient story has been de-identified to protect patient privacy consistent with HIPAA – no real patient names are referenced, while the experience described reflects actual events.