Advanced Alternative Payment Models Help Patients Receive Quality In-Home Healthcare

Value-based care models pay hospitals, physicians and other clinicians, in part, on the quality of services delivered and outcomes achieved. These models enable healthcare organizations like Privia Health to develop lasting relationships with local community services and expedite assistance for patients and their caregivers.

For many in our health system, this kind of patient assistance is only supported financially because of Medicare’s alternative payment models.

C.C.'s story:

When C.C.’s family required a referral for a professional caregiver after they could no longer fulfill that role, it became clear that C.C. lacked financial resources, had multiple health issues, and was at risk of accidents at home.

Privia Health initiated a referral to a local community-based support program for an in-home evaluation. Within a week, the multidisciplinary care team provided free medical equipment, installed safety features like bars and a wheelchair ramp, and set up a Life Alert system. Home health services were also arranged to help C.C. with physical and occupational therapy, as well as a personal care aide for bathing. Meanwhile, C.C.’s new caregiver received help applying for Medicaid’s long-term care services and senior consulting on her behalf.

C.C.’s physician continued to monitor her health, provided education about medications for her and her caregiver, and partnered with community-based organizations to arrange transportation to and from her appointments. With Privia Health’s support, C.C. successfully managed her health and symptoms at home for four months.

Eventually, C.C. needed to be hospitalized. Because C.C.’s care team had already helped start the application for Medicaid’s long-term care services, she was transferred to a proper facility and received support quickly and seamlessly. 

Value-based care models allow organizations like Privia Health to build meaningful relationships and connect patients with the tools and services they need to thrive.

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This patient story has been de-identified to protect patient privacy consistent with HIPAA – no real patient names are referenced, while the experience described reflects actual events.