Alternative Payment Models Help Patients with Diabetes Manage Blood Sugar

Value-based care models pay hospitals and providers, in part, on quality and outcomes of care. These models allow healthcare organizations like Privia Health to invest in patient education and care coordination/clinical support to aide patients in accessing technologies like continuous glucose monitoring sensors.

For healthcare providers nationwide, innovative tools such as these are only made possible through Medicare’s alternative payment model program.

Privia Health’s story:

Medicare’s 5% incentive for value-based care enables Privia Health to invest in innovative technology and patient education to improve care for people living with chronic illnesses like diabetes.

Privia Health partnered with Abbott Laboratories to give sensors to people with diabetes, allowing them to continually monitor their blood sugar. The sensors are easy to use and painless to apply, giving patients a convenient way to get a big picture look at their blood sugar levels. When patients better understand how diet and exercise affect their blood sugar, they feel more empowered to make positive changes for their health, said one frontline nurse in Charlottesville, Virginia.

More than 40 patients have used the sensors, with great success. Many saw significant improvements in their A1c numbers, which reflect their overall blood sugar control. In one case, using the sensor along with diabetes medications lowered a patient’s A1c levels from 11.8% to 8%.

Privia Health gave patients the power to make healthy choices for their well-being. Outcomes such as these are just another way value-based care moves healthcare forward.

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